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M&A Cyber Due Diligence

In the realm of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), understanding cyber risk plays a pivotal role in due diligence. For sellers, the implications of data breaches or publicized security incidents can be severe, potentially tarnishing their reputation, affecting valuation, or even leading to a failed transaction. On the buyer's side, this process offers a valuable opportunity to assess the effectiveness of existing security controls and identify any underlying security issues that may impact the acquisition.

Don't let cyber risk be the deal-breaker.

We offer an M&A Cyber Due Diligence Assessment that identifies cyber risks and reviews security controls and plans, promoting transparency during a transaction.

Our M&A Cyber Due Diligence Assessment is a meticulous process that includes the following key components:

  • Cyber Risk Assessment: We provide a comprehensive evaluation of the cyber risks associated with the target organization. This assessment encompasses a deep dive into their cybersecurity posture, identifying risks that may impact the transaction.
  • Network Vulnerability Scanning: Our experts conduct thorough network scans to pinpoint vulnerabilities and potential entry points for cyberattacks. This step is crucial in understanding the level of risk that the target organization may pose.
  • Policy & Procedure Review: We scrutinize existing policies and procedures related to cybersecurity within the target organization. This review helps identify gaps in governance and compliance that need to be addressed.
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning Review: Ensuring business continuity in the face of a cyber incident is critical. We assess the target organization’s disaster recovery and business continuity plans to evaluate their resilience in the event of a cyber crisis.
  • Penetration Testing: Our team conducts penetration testing to simulate real-world cyberattacks and assess the target organization’s defenses. This helps in identifying potential vulnerabilities and the impact that exploitation would have on the network.
  • IT Suitability Assessment: We evaluate the target organization’s IT infrastructure, ensuring that it aligns with the buyer’s strategic goals and requirements.

Our team is here to help. Reach out using the link below.

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